Monday 28 February 2011

Dave Charlesworth

Sunday: Press 9-9-10-9-9 (46) with 90 seconds with 90 seconds rest in between sets. Really tough going towards the end and got that tell tale wobble of a weakening body.. It has a progress bar at the end of every session and it is getting alarmingly towards the 75% mark.. I feel far from ready to face a full 50 non stop. 

On to Dave:

 Met Joe Meegan and Jamie Ruszczynski at The Woodmill to get some footage of the artist and friend Dave Charlesworth. I was an hour late. Joe and Jamie and I are making a documentary of Dave as a side project. Dave is an interesting, successful, and clearly talented swine that I have been very privileged to work with on a couple of projects (one being Wander Walker that you can find HERE).  He is a conceptual artist that works both alone and as part of a collective Charlesworth Lewandowski and Mann. We followed him around, filled sandbags with him and interviewed him. Our concept was to compare his work, life and style to the very different David Charlesworth. David (not Dave) Charlesworth is yet to get back to us about the project so we made a start with Dave. 

Dave was extremely busy and I am not sure we got the best out of our time there (not a criticism of anyone at all)  I have no experience in documentary filming and I am hoping a narrative becomes clear at some point along the way. This may happen the more we film or when we watch the footage. We will have to see. 

On the way to the tube we dived out of the rain into The Marquis of Wellington. A real local with as many screens showing football as there were customers. Above the bar was a poster for  Nigel Benn (my favourite boxer ever) Vs Michael Watson and another for Chris Eubank Vs Gary Stretch . In a pub bore sort of way I turned to Joe and Jamie and pointed out that Gary Stretch played the head of the gang in Dead Man's Shoes. The landlord over heard this and could have not been more excited about this pub fact. It happened that it was one of his favourite films and had never realised the link. It was the best reaction I have ever had to one of my boring facts. The bad news it will encourage me to come out with more. 

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